You have the following rights to use the images under the STANDARD IMAGE LICENSE:
1-) Online (including video sharing services like YouTube, etc., subject to budget restrictions outlined in subclause below), on websites, online advertisements, social media, all printing purposes include t-shirt and glass printing, mobile advertisements, mobile "applications," software, e-cards, e-publications (e-books, e-journals, blogs, etc.), and as a digital reproduction in the context of mail marketing;
2-) Physical copies of media and advertising products, such as periodicals, newspapers, and books, or as part of product packaging and labels, letterhead and business cards, point-of-sale advertisements, and CD and DVD cover art, as long as no image is reproduced more than 1000 times overall to be printed;
3-) Billboards, street decor, etc., as long as the campaign's target demographic has a total of no more than 5000 distinct individuals. as a part of a marketing strategy that is "Outdoor."
4-) A movie, a video, a television show, a commercial, or other audio-visual creation intended for dissemination through any media now known or hereafter envisaged, so long as the project's budget is little more than $1,000, regardless of the audience size. including;
5-) Use solely for private, small business commercial purposes (not for resale, distribution, or up to 1000 items.).
6-) Prohibited use for any of other selling sites REDBUBLE, PRINTFUL, etc.
7-) This is for a single design and no credit is needed.
8-) This license is not valid for all the designs, because our sellers are responsible for some designs!